Saturday, January 4, 2014


18 March 2008On Literature and Human NatureHumanity is comprised of diverse and contrastive truths which take its root from the set of experiences , opinions , and ideology - both constitutive(a) and coercive - of people of any race , culture , sexual rede geographic location , and so on . The realities , and therefore , unsectarian truths , which the diversity of mankind subscribes to and necessarily experiences are inevitably surround to vary entirely certain realities encompass and apply to each human being regardless(prenominal) of the aforementioned physical and less than palpable boundaries , labels and categorizations which separate us . This much(prenominal) is unvarnished in the perpetual and whitethornbe overplayed , but theless real and undeniable themes which run away in the strain of human existence - such as suffering bank , love , the play or difference of opinion amid concepts of good and evil and indispensibly , mortality , and the awareness of final confront . One of the greatest stage or platform which evinces and indulges in these aforementioned themes is that of literature or the written word and whitethornbe the most inviting and convenient type of which exists in the form of poor storiesStories reflect and relate - as the 18th century reckon author and critic Samuel Johnson already aptly entrust it - representations of world-wide study Although not every literary work or tack together of fiction is able to evoke as much , and several(prenominal) are more effective than others in delivering the say sentiment , stories inherently reflect and represent humanity , in its multi-dimensional complexity but simultaneous universality .

This lead is perhaps evident in such widely received and acknowledge classics as Edgar Allan Poe s The Tell Tale Heart While the premise of Poe s swindle story - that of an unlikely protagonist or at least(prenominal) narrating voice in the story who obsesses over the eye of his landlord and in conclusion kills him to be rid of the eye which was , to set apart it piano , bothering him , and lot of his landlord s body under the floorboards - may not outright reflect or translate the human condition , in the typographical error sense of the plot what it does evoke , and the less than general themes it touches on are representative of the human condition , albeit in a darker light , or perhaps not completely soPoe s A Tell Tale Heart begins with the principal cite profession , or confessing the deed he s entrustted , relating what lit ter him to commit an irreversible act , the incidents which played out originally he execution of instrumented a man in polar root , how he came upon doing it , and an allusion of seeming justification or account to a course of action which appeared most paradoxical number and unknown , if not utterly insaneAspects of humanity are necessarily explored and put to (perhaps not so flattering ) light when the seeming irrational peeve which kept dogging the principal character leads him to mop up an unsuspecting and mostly harmless man . And though the break up irrationality is an aspect of human temper which people may not find pleasant , it persists theless in human nature and reality . For the most part , passion is what...If you want to raise a full essay, order it on our website:

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